How many megabytes are in a gigabyte

A. 4800
B. 2048
C. 9600
D. 1024

The resolution of printer is measured in

A. Mega bits
B. mega Hertz

Device which allow a computer to connect other computer via telephone line is

A. Modem
B. Network Card
C. Server
D. Hub

The least populated province of Pakistan

A. Sindh
C. Baluchistan
D. Punjab

The head of Boundary Commission was

A. Mount Baton
B. Cripps
C. Wavell
D. Radcliff

Which of the following is default page setup of orientation of slide in power point?

A. Vertical
B. Landscape
C. Portrait
D. Non A, 8, C

Which part of human body is most affected by Hepatitis virus?

A. Liver
C. Spleen
B. Lungs
D. Pancreas

Ornithology is the study of:

A. Birds
B. Insects
C. Sea Animals
D. Sea Plants

“Dassu Dam” is being constructed in

A. Punjab
B. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
C. Northern Areas
D. Baluchistan