Which of the following agencies related to UNO was in existence before the World War II?


Before giving up singing, Junaid Jamshed was part of which music group?

A. Strings
B. Vital Signs
C. Janoon
D. Fuzon

Article of 1973 Constitution was amended through “The 24th Constitutional Amendment” ?

A. 50
B. 51
C. 52
D. 53

PRODA (Public Representative Office Disqualification Act) was passed in ?

A. January 1949
B. January 1959
C. January 1950
D. January 1960


Why Syed Amir Ali resigned from the Muslim league in 1913 ?

A. The Muslim league did not do sufficient work for its members
B. It criticized the Government
C. It started supporting the Hindu cause
D. The party had no clear cut policy

About the end of 2nd century B.C some unusual upheavals in the Central Asia let loose series of human floods that brought about after-wave of invasions into Indo-Pak Sub-continent, First invasion was made by ?

A. The kushanas
b. The Sakas
c. The Bacirians
D. The Parthians


The elections should be held on the basis of general adult franchise. This demand was made in ?

A. Minto – Morley Reforms, 1909
B. Lucknow pact
C. Cripps Mission
D. Gandhi – Irwin Pact


“The future form of Government would be federal to be joined by provinces and Indian states.” This principle was settled in ?

A. Nehru Report
B. 1st Round Table Conference
C. Simon Report
D. Minto – Morley Reforms, 1909

In which A.D, Subuktigin, a Turkish slave became the master of Ghazni ?

A. 965
B. 873
C. 977
D. 882