“War and Peace” Novel was written by:

A. Leo Tolstoy
B. Tito
C. Shelly
D. Shakespeare

What is Holocaust?

A. Killing of Jews during World War l
B. Killing of Jews during World War ll
C. Killing of Germans
D. Killing period of American during war

Which country’s Constitution is not in a written form?

B. Denmark
C. New Zealand
D. United Kingdom

First country who issued currency notes in the world

A. Greece
B. China
C. Italy
D. Russia

Where days and nights are equal all the year?

A. Nairobi
B. New York
C. London
D. Oslo

Who is called “father of computer”?

A. Charles Babbage
B. Konard Zuse
C. Merry John
D. None of these

Which is the oldest organization of the world?

B. African Unity
C. League of Nations
D. Common Wealth

According to new research which is the oldest disease

A. Influenza
B. Malaria
C. Plague
D. Leprosy

The President of USA who was killed during his office?

A. J.F. Kennedy
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. both
D. none of these

Nightingale Florence was a

A. Nurse
B. Soldier
C. Religious reformer
D. None of these