The height of Nanga Parbat is?

A. 8,126m
B. 7,521m
C. 6,125m
D. 9,500m

Siachen dispute started in?

A. 1987
B. 1985
C. 1986
D. 1984

K2 is also known as?

A. Killer mountain
B. Chogori
C. Goodwin Austin
D. None of these

“Siachen Glacier” is situated in?

A. Hindu Kush Range
B. Sulaiman Range
C. Karakroum Range
D. Pamir Range

The approximate Circumference of Earth at the equator is?

A. 40075 km
B. 50075 km
C. 60075 km
D. 70075 km

Which from the following Countries is not the member of BRICS?

A. South Africa
B. India
C. China
D. Belgium

Berbers, or Amazighs, are an ethnic group of several nations mostly inhabitant of?

A. Australia
B. North America
C. South Africa
D. North Africa

Which Country will host 2022 Winter Olympics?

A. Japan
B. China
C. India
D. Australia

At present Pakistan has vast natural resources and items of mineral as many as ?

A. 34
B. 46
C. 52
D. 64


Under the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 Pakistan has the right to use exclusively the water of ?

A. Ravi, Sutleg and Chenab
B. Sutleg, Chenab and Jhelum
C. Chenab, Jhelum and Indus
D. None of these