Fill in the blank with suitable word: Don’t change _____ in midstream?

A. players
B. Members
C. Horses
D. Trophies

Which one of the following was the first fort constructed by the British in India ?

A. Fort St. David
B. Fort William
C. Fort St.Angelo
D. Fort St.George

The battle of Dharmat was fought between ?

A. Babur and Afghans
B. Muhammad Ghori and Jai Chand
C. Ahmad Shah Durrani and the Marathas
D. Aurangzeb and Dara Shikoh

In which of the following years, the Battle of Buxar was fought ?

A. 1757
B. 1767
C. 1764
D. 1762

Which battle did open the Delhi area to Muhammad Ghori  ?

A. Second Battle of Tarain
B. First Battle of Panipat
C. Battle of Khanwa
D. First Battle of Tarain

The first battle of Tarain took place between  ?

A. Alauddin khilji and Prithviraj Chauhan
B. Mohammad Shah and Prithviraj Chauhan
C. Mahmud Ghazni and Prithviraj Chauhan
D. Mohammad Ghori and Prithviraj Chauhan

When Pakistan introduced National Identity cards (NIC) ?

A. 1948
B. 1957
C. 1963

Which among the following ports was called Babul Makka (Gate of Makkah) during the Mughal Period  ?

A. Surat
B. Calicut
C. Cambay
D. Broach

The first Indian Hindi Scholar of the Mughal period was ?

A. Chand Bardai
B. Malik Muhammed Jayasi
C. Abdur Rahim
D. Mulla Wajhi