“Khyber Pass” is located in ?

A. Karakorum Range
B. Himalyas Range
C. Hindukush Range
D. Sulaiman Range

The Soan and the Haro are the two rivers of ?

A. Baluchistan Plateau
B. Azad Kashmir
C. Northern areas
D. Potohar Plateau

The archaeological site “Kot Diji” is located near the city of ?

A. Larkana
B. Thatta
C. Khairpur
D. Badin

The most precious gemstone “Emerald” are found in ?

A. Gilgit
B. Hunza
C. Swat
D. Dir

The area of Islamabad before declaration as the capital of Pakistan was known by the name of  ?

A. Suri Nagar
B. Raj Shahi
C. Gandhara
D. None of These

The extinct Volcanic Peak of Koh-i-Sultan is in ?

A. Turkmanistan
B. Turkey
C. Iran
D. Pakistan