Recent OIC Summit was held in:

A. Ankara
B. Istanbul
C. Antalya
D. Jeddah

Which Pakistani woman won the Nelson Mandela-Graca Machel Innovation Award 2016?

A. Malala Yousafzai
B. Tabassam Adnan
C. Meera
D. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy

Which is the capital city of West Indies?

A. Port of Spain
B. Harare
C. Puerto Rico
D. None of these

Abuja is the capital of:

A. Nigeria
B. Panama
C. Mali
D. Ghana

Recently Azerbaijan fought a war with one of its neighbours over Nagorno Karabakh region. In which country is this enclave situated?

A. Bosnia
B. Turkey
C. Macedonia
D. Armenia

Crimea was an area annexed by Russia last year. Before the annexation it was a part of

A. Bosnia
B. Belarus
C. Ukraine
D. Georgia

Who was the Secretary General of UN before Ban Ki-Moon?

A. Kurt Waldheim
B. Kofi Annan
C. U Thant
D. Boutros Boutros Ghali

Hybrid computer is________.

A.  An analog computer
B.   A digital computer
C.  Pascal calculator
D.  Combination of analog and digital computer

Katherine’s weekly salary was increased by 8% to $237.60. What was her weekly salary before the increase?

A. $220
B. $230
C. $215
D. $200

Calculate the value of x in the equation: 12 -5x = X + 30

A. -4
B. -6
C. -3
D. -5