Charter of Democracy was signed between Pakistan People’s Party and Pakistan Muslim League on May14, 2006 in?

A. Edinburgh
B. London
C. Geneva
D. Berlin

The draft of the 1956 constitution was passed by the constituent assembly on?

A. 29 March 1956
B. 29 Feb 1956
C. 29 Jan 1956
D. None of these

Choose the correct synonym of: Ecstasy ?

A. Remorse
B. Lugubriousness
C. Exultation
D. Grimness

Salang Tunnel is located in Hindu Kush Mountains. It connects the following cities?

A. Kabul and Heart
B. Kabul and Mazar Sharif
C. Heart and Mazar Sharif
D. Kandahara and Kabul

Mr. Javed Iqbal is the Current Chairman of ?

A. Election Commission
B. Senate
D. None of the aboe

Akosombo Dam is Constructed on Volta River in ?

A. Niger
B. Egypt
C. Ghana
D. None of these

_______ is considered the Largest Glacier of the World Located in Antarctica ?

A. Lambert Fisher glacier
B. Siachian glacier
C. Dormant glacier
D. None

The Oldest Revealed Divine Book is ?

A. Tawrat
B. Zaboor
C. Injeel
D. Quran

Which is the Second Largest Province of Pakistan in terms of Population ?

A. Punjab
B. Balochistan
C. Sindh
D. None of the above

Archery is national game of which country?

A. Nepal
B. Bhutan
C. China
D. South Korea