Holy Prophet sometimes gave his silent approval of a statement or action of someone,this is called:

A. qawl
B. taqrir
C. hadatha
D. illhan

The first migration in Islamic History was to the country then called:

A. Abyssinia
B. Iraq
C. Yemen
D. Syria

Masjid Nimra is situated in:

A. Madinah
B. Taif
C. Jeddah
D. Plains of Arafat

Ghazwa e Badr was fought in which year of the Christian Calendar:

A. 623
B. 622
C. 619
D. 624

Where is the head office of UNESCO located?

A. Geneva
B. Vienna
C. Brussels
D. Paris

What is the antonym of Concord?

A. agreement
B. variance
C. accord
D. unity

What is the antonym of Onerous?

A. fluent
B. burdensome
C. difficult
D. light

What is the antonym of Fluid?

A. airy
B. still
C. frozen
D. moving

What is the antonym of Assent?

A. disagree
B. approve
C. sanction
D. pass

What is the antonym of Gregarious?

A. boring
B. chubby
C. lonesome
D. talkative