Under an Amendment of the 1973 constitution, in which year was the name of NWFP changed to Kyber Pakhtukhwa?

A. 2008
B. 2009
C. 2010
D. 2011

What is the synonym of Ostensible?

A. Apparent
B. Latent
C. Opposite
D. None of these

Titu mir work for?

A. Poor peasant of Bengal
B. Rich peasant of Bengal
C. Muslim peasant of Bengal
D. All peasant of Bengal

Which Prophet’s Nation committed embezzlement in trusts?

A. Haroon A.S
B. Musa A.S
C. Shoaib A.S
D. Essa A.S

ICs (Integrated Circuits) were used in?

A. First Generation
B. Second Generation
C. Third Generation
D. Fourth Generation

Information on a hard disk is usually backed-up using a?

B. Floppy disk
C. Magnetic tape
D. All of the above

You can protect a floppy disk?

A. Read
B. Write
C. Read and Write
D. All of the above

Mosque of “Dai Anda” is located in?

A. Rawalpindi
B. Multan
C. Lahore
D. Kasur

Holly Quran translated into Persian by ?

A. Syed Ahmad
B. Shah Waliullah
C. Shah Abdur Rahim
D. Shah Ismail

Mohanlal Karamchand Gandhi renounced his formal membership of the congress in?

A. 1934
B. 1940
C. 1946
D. 1947