What is the meaning of the Idiom “To Spill the beans”?

A. To reveal Secret Information
B. To make peace
C. End a quarrel
D. None of these

Pristine Antonym is ?

A. Pure
B. Impure
C. fresh
D. Flawless

Khateeb ul Anbiya is the title of?

A. Hazrat Ibrahim
B. Hazrat Yaqoob
C. Hazrat Shoaib
D. Hazrat Idrees

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What is the name of Hazrat Usman’s mother?

A. Arwa
B. Fatima
C. Salma
D. Hantamah

What is the name of Boat of Hazrat Noah (AS)?

A. Juz
B. Asm
C. Ark
D. None

What is the second Pillar of Islam?

A. Salat
B. Soam
C. Hajj
D. Zakat

Pearl Harbor US Naval base, was bombed by_____, thus provoking formal entry of the US in the second World War ?

A. Korea
B. Belgium
C. China
D. Japan

The hottest planet of solar system is ?

A. Venus
B. Jupiter
C. Mars
D. None of these

Which of the following is not a part of the United Arab Emirates?

A. Abu Dhabi
B. Qatar
C. Dubai
D. Sharjah

Name the author who created the fictional character of a great detective called sherlock Holmes ?

A. R.L Stevenson
B. Arthur Conan Doyle
C. lan Fleming
D. None of these