who added 2nd Azan for friday prayers ?

A. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
B. Hazrat Umar (R.A)
C. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
D. Hazrat Ali (R.A)

Nation of committed embezzlement in trusts.?

A. Haroon A.S
B. Musa A.S
C. Shoib A.S
D. Essa A.S

Yousuf A.S and Yaqoob A.S met each other after years.?

A. 35
B. 40
C. 45
D. 50

After day’s continuous rain and storm the nation of Hood destroyed.?

A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Eight

Prophet Hazrat has the title Najeeb Ullah.?

A. Ibrahim A.S
B. Noah A.S
C. Musa A.S
D. Dawood A.S

Baitul Laham is the birth Place of Hazrat is situated in Jerusalem.?

A. Ibrahim A.S
B. Shoib A.S
C. Haroon A.S
D. Essa A.S

Hazrat was famous for his patience.?

A. Haroon A.S
B. Ayub A.S
C. Musa A.S
D. Ibrahim A.S

Hazrat was the first who learnt to write.?

A. Ibrahim A.S
B. Idrees A.S
C. Musa A.S
D. Haroon A.S

Ibrahim A.S was years old when Ismael A.S was born.?

A. 84
B. 85
C. 86
D. 87