Nai Gaj Dam is being constructed in which province of Pakistan?

A. Punjab
B. Sindh
C. Baluchistan

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The newly constructed Gomal Zam Dam is located in?

A. Gilgit Baltistan
D. Baluchistan

What is/are main religion(s) japan?

A. Shintoism
B. Confucianism
C. Buddhism
D. Both A & C

Most widely spoken language in Pakistan is?

A. English
B. Urdu
C. Punjabi
D. Sindhi

Solve for (?) √ 729 – √ 441 -= √ ? + 1

A. 49
B. 36
C. 25
D. 16

Fill in the blank: Do you always come to the face _______ bike?

A. On
B. By
C. In
D. Form

Identify the country which is not a member of ASEAN (The Association of south East Asian Nations)?

A. Cambodia
B. Indonesia
C. Republic of Korea
D. Malaysia

If the average of five numbers is 6.92, then the sum of number is?

A. 34
B. 34.6
C. 34.4
D. 34.8

The World’s biggest island is?

A. Green Land
B. Madagascar
C. Sumatra
D. None of these

Which Prophet is dignified with special title,”Khalil-Ullah” (Friendly of God)?

A. Hazrat Adam (A.S)
B. Nazrat Noah (A.S)
C. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
D. Hazrat Esa (A.S)