The Speed of light is______?

A. 280,000 km/s
B. 300,000 km/s
C. 320,000 km/s
D. None of these

The Picture on the back of 5000 Rupee Pakistani Note?

A. Jatoi Mosque
B. Bashahi Mosque
C. Faisal Mosque
D. Masjid Wazir Khan

Who is the current Deputy Speaker of National Assembly of Pakistan?

A. Qasim Suri
B. Faisal Karim Khundi
C. Sardar Mohammad Yaqoob
D. Zahid Akram Durrani Continue reading

The Picture on the back of 1000 Rupee Pakistani Note?

A. UET Lahore
B. Islamia College Peshawar

The Picture on the back of 500 Rupee Pakistani Note?

A. Badshahi Mosque
B. Faisal Mosque
C. Jatoi Mosque
D. Masjid Wazir Khan

United Nations Organization (UNO) was formed In?

A. 1943
B. 1945
C. 1947
D. 1948

The number narrations of Hazrat Ayeha (R.A) is?

A. 1630
B. 2210
C. 1286
D. 583

Bicameral system of legislature was introduces in Pakistan under the Constitution ?

A. Act of 1935
B. 1956
C. 1962
D. 1973

Antonym of “Jocular is?

A. Witty
B. Facetious
C. Amusing
D. Solemn

Who established Scientific Society in 1985?

A. Syed Ahmad Khan
B. Shibli Naumani
C. Allama M Iqbal
D. Muhammad Ali Jinnah