Which printer is very commonly used for desk-top publishing?

A. Ink-jet printer
B. Laser printer
C. Daisy wheel printer
D. Dot-matrix printer

Main storage is also called ?

A. Accumulator
B. Control unit
C. Register unit
D. memory

Name the Chief Election Commissioner who conducted two Presidential Elections?

A. Qazi Muhammad Farooq
B. F.M Khan
C. Akhter Husain
D. Justice N.A Nusrat

He was quite able ___ after himself ?

A. to looking
B. for looking
C. to look
D. of looking

I would like to have the newspaper as soon as you ___ it ?

A. finished
B. are finish
C. will finish
D. have finished

I am astonished ___his behaviour ?

A. to
B. from
C. with
D. at

Who was the first democratic President to complete his 5 years tenure?

A. Nawaz Sharif
B. Asif Ali Zardari
C. Pervaiz Musharraf
D. Liaquat Ali Khan


Whatever he does is always contrary ___ my wishes ?

A. with
B. from
C. to
D. for

if one knows the facts one ___ not be so quiet to criticize ?

A. could
B. can
C. would
D. will