Choose most suitable synonym of “Cataclysm” ?

A. Tranquility
B. Catastrophe
C. Pungent
D. Trash

When Muhammad Ali jinnah was given the title of Quaid-e-Azam?

A. 1935
B. 1932
C. 1938
D. 1939


“you would have soon my garden at its best if you____ here last weak ?

A. Be
B. Were
C. Had been
D. Should be

When the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, was promulgated. who was the opposition leader in national assembly on that time?

A. Khan Abdul Wali Khan
B. Nurul Amin
C. Mufty mehmmod
D. Fakhar Imam


Which is the deepest lake in the world?

A. Titicaca
B. Victoria
C. Baikal
D. Superior

Who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan?

A. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
B. Liyaqat Ali Khan
C. Ayoub Khan
D. Yahya Khan Jonijho

What does the word Pakistan means?

A. Holy Land
B. Deserts
C. Meadows
D. Natural Beauty


What is the literal meaning of “Hajar Al-Aswad”?

A. White Stone
B. Green Stone
C. Red Stone
D. Black Stone

Nation celebrates birth anniversary of Liaquat Ali Khan on 1st Oct 2017?

A. 119
B. 120
C. 121
D. 122

Which slave king is buried in Lahore?

A. Ibrahim Lodi
B. Ghiyas al-Din Balban
C. Iltutmish
D. Qutb uddin Aibak