In Pakistan % of the population lives below the national poverty line (2017)?

A. 52.3%
B. 29.5%
C. 34.5%
D. 41.5%


شاید کس کا شعری مجموعہ ہے؟

A. وصی شاہ
B. عباس شاہ
C. جون ایلیا
D. حسن عباسی

In which year did East India Company (EIC) occupied Punjab ?

A. 1846
B. 1850
C. 1847
D. 1849


ڈاکٹر فرمان فتح پوری کی اس مشہور تصنیف کانام مکمل کیجیے اردو شعرا کے تذکرے اور

A. تذکرہ نگاری
B. ںثرنگاری
C. نظم نگاری
D. تنقید نگاری

Boundary line between Azad Kashmir and Occupied Kashmir is called?


A. Line Of Control
B. Durand Line
C. Oder–Neisse line
D. The Radcliffe Line


What is the name of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan?

A. Line Of Control
B. Durand Line
C. Oder–Neisse line
D. The Radcliffe Line


Which is the national Animal of Pakistan?

A. Markhor
B. Goat
C. Camel
D. Snow leopard


What does PCO stand for?

A. Pakistan courts ordinance
B. Pakistan constitutional order
C. Provisional Constitutional Order
D. Provincial courts organization

Who played role of Quaid-e-Azam in film “Jinnah” which was released 7 November 1998?

A. Micky arther
B. Christopher Lee
C. Shashi Kapoor
D. Jamil Dehalvi