The mean proportional of 4 and 16 is ?

A. +8
B. +16
C. +9
D. None of these

A total of amendments to the constitution of 1973 have been passed by the Parliament?

A. 21
B. 23
C. 25
D. 26


During high temperature is summers It is recommended to drink plenty of water to avoid ?

A. Dysentery
B. Food Poisoning
C. Dehydration
D. Hepatitis

Who chose the name of Pakistan?

A. Quaid-e-Azam
B. Allama Iqbal
C. Hafiz Jalandhri
D. Chaudry Rehmat Ali



Synonym of ‘Odour’ is ?

A. Taste
B. Smell
C. Colour
D. Texture

The National Anthem of Pakistan is written by?

A. Quaid-e-Azam
B. Allama Iqbal
C. Hafiz Jalandhri
D. Chaudry Rehmat Ali



India has constructed Baglihar Dam on the river?

A. Chenab
B. Indus
C. Sutlej
D. Jhelum

Continue reading

The Nehru Report was published in ?

A. April 1927
B. August 1927
C. April 1928
D. August 1928




The Indian Councils Act (Minto-Morley Reforms) was enacted into law in ?

A. 1909
B. 1910
C. 1911
D. 1912