_________ is the Capital of Fiji ?

A. Lima
B. Suva
C. Vlentine
D. None of these

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When no Tariffs are Imposed on all Imports and Exports it is called ?

A. Preferential Trade
B. Free Trade
C. Balance of trade
D. Non-Tariff Barriers

The murder of Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to Austrian throne, became the immediate cause of which war ?

A. World War I
B. Battle of Borodino
C. Battle of Jutland
D. World War II

Poonch river is tributary of ?

A. Indus
B. Jhelum
C. Ravi
D. Chenab

Provincial autonomy was enhanced under ?

A. 12th amendment
B. 13th amendment
C. 18th amendment
D. 14th amendment

In a Windows PC, the shortcut key for redoing the last action in Microsoft PowerPoint is ?


The cost of plant is Rs. 36.50 per kg. If one kg of paint covers 16 square feet, how much will it cost to paint outside of cube having each side of 8 feet?

A. Rs. 850
B. Rs. 860
C. Rs. 876
D. Rs. 886

PRODA (Public Representative Office Disqualification Act) was passed in ?

A. January 1949
B. January 1959
C. January 1950
D. January 1960

Which is the Deepest Lake in the world ?

A. Lake Victoria
B. Lake Superior
C. Lake Baikal
D. Lake Erie

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What does LED stand for ?

A. Low Emission Diode
B. Light Emitting Diode
C. Low Energy Device
D. Laser Energy Display