During the migration from Makkah to Madina, the Holly Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) took shelter in the ?

A. Cave of Hira
B. Dar-e-Arqam
C. Cave of Thawr
D. Holly Kaaba

Who was the first Civilian Chief Martial Law Administrator in Pakistan?

A. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
B. Skindar Mirza
C. Ghulam Muhammad
D. Ayub Khan

Name the Prophet who was contemporary of Hazrat Ibraheem(A.S) ?

A. Hazrat Luut (A.S)
B. Hazrat Hood (A.S)
C. Hazrat Idrees (A.S)
D. Hazrat Ishaaq (A.S)

Choose the correct meaning of “Torque” ?

A. Turban
B. Jest
C. Turkish sash
D. A force that tends to cause rotation

During jehangir’s reign Sir Thomas Roe and Captain Hawkin visited Moghul Court to secure ?

A. Religious Privilege
B. Local Privilege
C. Social Privilege
D. Commercial Privilege

Which of the following protects our body against disease?

A. White Blood Cells
B. Red Blood Cells
C. Platelets
D. None of these

Imam Malik died in ?

A. 179 AH
B. 180 AH
C. 189 AH
D. None of these

Which document was firstly drafted to give pace to constitution making process?

A. Pakistan Act
B. Independence Act
C. Representative Act
D. Objective Resolution

“DIET” is the name of Parliament of ?

A. Malaysia
B. Japan
C. Indonesia
D. Thailand

Choose the correct Antonym of: Ruthless ?

A. Brutal
B. Compassionate
C. Ferocious
D. Cold-Blooded