Which Article of the 1973 Constitution relates to the National language of Pakistan?

A. 251
B. 257
C. 200
D. none

What is the name for a webpage address, select from following?

A. Directory
B. Domain
D. Protocol

There are two different ways to insert content from one application to another i.e embedding and ?

A. Importing
B. Integrating
C. Linking
D. Bookmarking

The first mechanical calculated machine was invented by ?

A. William Oughtred
B. Gottfried W. Leibniz
C. Blaise Pascal
D. Charles Babbage

Who gave the idea to combine the internet with the hypertext concept?

A. Steve Jobs
B. Bill Gates
C. Tim Berners-Lee
D. Jeff Bezoz

Blank DVDs on which data can be erased and rewritten are identified as ?

C. DVD + R
D. DVD + W

Which of the following can be recycled many times?

A. Plastic
B. Wood
C. Organic Material
D. Aluminum

Deforestation at large scale can be observed at ?

A. Atlantic Forest
B. Amazon Forest
C. Borneo Forest
D. Sumatra Forest

Depletion of the ozone layer is caused due to ?

A. Ferrocene
B. Fullerenes
C. Freons
D. Polyhalogens

Rocks that contain fossils are ?

A. Celandine Rocks
B. Monzonite Rocks
C. Sedimentary Rocks
D. Dolerite Rocks