The lengthiest written constitution of the world is ?

A. British Constitution
B. Indian Constitution
C. Chinese Constitution
D. French Constitution

“Deal of the century” presented by US President Donald Trump related to ?

A. US China Trade
B. US Iran Relations
C. US Russia Relations
D. Palestine Issue

The political term “Shadow Cabinet” stands for ?

A. A cabinet for ministers specialized in their fields
B. A group of specialized critics in the official opposition party
C. A group of unelected technocrats
D. A group of ministers who are very close to prime ministers

China have claim on port of Indian province of ?

A. Arunachal Pradesh
B. Madhiya Pradesh
C. Himachel Pradesh
D. United Province

International Monetary Fund was created after the ?

A. Malta Conference
B. London Conference
C. Round Table Conference
D. Breton Wood Conference

The Treaty of Versailles settled peace in ?

A. Africa
B. America
C. Middle East
D. Europe

The article 3 of Sustainable Development Goals of UN relates ?

A. Health
B. Environment
C. Nutrition
D. Education

Smallpox Vaccination was discovered by?

A. Galileo
B. Edward Jenner
C. Baird
D. Roentgen

Watergate scandal was given to USA by ?

A. Terrorism issue
B. Canal water issues
C. Spying
D. Dam issues