Cocci, Bacillus, Spirillum and Vibrio are example of:

A. Amphibians
B. Invertebrates
C. Bacteria
D. Parasite

Who was the ruler of state of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947?

A. Dileep Singh
B. Hari Singh
C. Karan Kumar
D. Gulab Singh

The last Census of Pakistan was held in:

A. 2001
B. 1999
C. 1989
D. 1998

Nobel Peace Prize for 2016 has been awarded to:

A. President Manuel Santos of Columbia
B. Doctors without Borders
C. President Vincente Fox
D. Ms Oprah Winfrey of USA

If a machine makes 3 yards of cloth in 2 minutes, how many yards of cloth will the machine make in 50 minutes?

A. 65 yards
B. 55 yards
C. 85 yards
D. 75 yards

Choose the correct analogy from the options: “Pride is to lion as shoal is to”

A. Teacher
B. Student
C. Self respect
D. Fish

Where was the center of Fatimid Caliphate first located?

A. Egypt
B. Palestine
C. Tunis
D. Morocco

Who wrote the famous book “Ahya-e-Uloomud-deen”?

A. Allama Tabrazi
B. lbn-e-Turabi
C. Al-lshaq Kindi
D. Al Ghazali

Which of the following is a data communication system within a building or between nearby building?

A. Local Area Network (LAN)
B. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
C. Wide Area Network (WAN)
D. None of these

Al Khawarzmi, the great Muslim genius, is best known for his work in the field of:

A. Physics
B. Chemistry
C. Algebra
D. Poetry