Who was the first Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir?

A. Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan
B. Khan Abdul Hameed Khan
C. Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan
D. Moulana Muhammad Yousaf



The United Nation General Assembly has declared the decade 2020-30 as?

A. The decade on ecosystem restoration
B. The decade for the rehabilitation of refugees
C. The decade for peace and stability
D. The decade for environmental change

Who was the first President of Azad Kashmir?

A. Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan
B. Sardar Muhammad Abdul Qayyum Khan
C. Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan
D. Moulana Muhammad Yousaf




In FATA the tribal laws and judiciary function is looked by the ?

A. Jirgha
B. Federal Govt
C. Tribes Council
D. All of them




Dr. Ruth Pfou the “Mother Treasa” of Pakistan campaigned against which disease?

A. Cholera
B. Leprosy
C. Tuberculosis
D. Diarrhea

The Diamer Bhasha Dam in the Preliminary Stages of Construction. It is on River ?

A. Kabul
B. Jhelum
C. Ravi
D. Indus

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How many agencies was the FATA comprises of ?

A. 5 Agencies
FATA comprises of ?
C. 8 Agencies
D. 6 Agencies



Where is the Pyramid of Giza located ?

A. Egypt
B. Sudan
C. Congo
D. None of the above

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The total area of FATA was ?

A. 29,220sq, km
B. 28,220sq, km
C. 27,220sq, km
D. 30,220sq, km