What does the phrase “Putting the Cart before the horse” mean

A. To do something contrary to conventional order
B. To be ready to go
C. To do things in the correct order
D. To be overactive

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Complete the series; 3,4,7,8,11,12___. ?

A. 15
B. 10
C. 18
D. 16

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WIPO is the Abbreviation of ?

A. World International Peace Organization
B. World Intellectual Property Organization
C. Web International Peace Organization
D. None

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Which of the following is not a valid zoom percentage in Excel?

A. 10
B. 100
C. 300
D. 500

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Who was the first person the climb the Nanga parbat?

A. Hermann Buhl
B. Martin Conway
C. R.d Banerjee
D. Ashraf Aman


In Excel which key is used for format number in percentage format?

A. Ctrl+Shift+6
B. Ctrl+Shift+3
C. Ctrl+Shift+5
D. Ctrl+1

In Excel which key is used for format number in date format?

A. Ctrl+Shift+6
B. Ctrl+Shift+4
C. Ctrl+Shift+3
D. Shift+1

In Excel which key is used for format number in currency format?

A. Ctrl+Shift+1
B. Ctrl+Shift+4
C. Ctrl+1
D. Shift+1

ARP Stands for ?

A. Address resolution protocol
B. Allied resolution protocol
C. Address resolution process
D. Address rectification protocol

Which of the following tab is not present in the control panel program in the start menu?

A. Web
B. Index
C. Search
D. Contents