What is the average height of Karakoram range ?

A. 7000 meters
B. 7500 meters
C. 7100 meters
D. 7300 meters




Which is the highest peak of Koh-e-Sulaiman range ?

A. Tirichmir
B. K-2
C. Takhat-e-Sulaiman
D. Sakar



Which is the highest peak of Salt range?

A. Tirichmir
B. K-2
C. Nanga parbat
D. Sakasar



Which is the highest peak of Karakoram range ?

A. Kilik peak
B. K-2 peak
C. Nanga Parbat
D. Tirichmir



You can detect spelling and Grammar errors by ?

A. Press Shift + F7
B. Press Ctrl + F7
C. Press Alt+ F7
D. Press F7

What is the maximum number of columns that can be inserted in MS Word Table?

A. 35
B. 45
C. 55
D. 63
E. 65

Which is the Highest peak of Himalayas range in Pakistan ?

A. Nanga Parbat
B. K-2
C. Tirichmir
D. Sakasar