Nanga Parbat is ranked as the highest mountain peak of the world ?

A. 10th
B. 8th
C. 5th
D. 9th



Name the range which separates Pakistan from Afghanistan?

A. Hindu Kush
B. Himalayas
C. Pmir
D. Karakoram



Name of range which separates China from Pakistan ?

A. Hindu Kush
B. Pamir
C. Himalayas
D. Karakoram



Which Range is called Roof of the World ?

A. Karakoram
B. Hindu kush Range
C. Pamir Plataau
D. Himalayas Range


K-2 is present in which mountains range ?

A. Pamir
B. Hindu kush
C. Karakoram
D. Himalayas



Which is the youngest mountain range on the earth ?

A. Hindu kush
B. Korakoram
C. Himalayas
D. Alps



SQL is a query language and has types ?

A. Data definition language
B. Data manipulation language
C. Data control language
D. All of the above

DBMS stands for ?

A. Database management system
B. Database maintaince system
C. Database maintaince and storage
D. Database management Sound