In power point, the header and footer button can be found on the insert tab in what group?

A. Illustrations group
B. Object group
C. Text group
D. Tables group

Forms that are used to organize business data into rows and coloumns are called ?

A. transaction sheets
B. registers
C. business forms
D. spread sheets

Pakistan Air Force Day is celebrated on ?

A. 21st February
B. 8th March
C. 21st March
D. 7th September



A detailed written description of the programming cycle and the program, along with the test results and a printout of the program is called ?

A. documentation
B. output
C. reporting
D. spec sheets

A set of rules for telling the computer what operations to perform is called a ?

A. procedural language
B. structures
C. natural language
D. programming language

Fourth Generation mobile technology provides enhanced Capabilities Allowing the transfer of both____________data, including full-motion video, high-speed internet access, and video conferencing.

A. video data and information
B. voice and non-voice
C. music and video
D. video and audio

What is the overall term for creating editing, formatting, storing, retrieving and printing a text document?

A. Word processing
B. Spreadsheet design
C. Web design
D. Database management

Which of these is not a means of personal Communication on the internet?

A. Chat
B. Instant messaging
C. Insta notes
D. Electronic mail