Moenjodaro is a 4,000 year-old city of the ?

A. Taxila Civilisation
B. Indus Civilization
C. Both of them
D. None of them


When a logic bomb is activated by a time-related event, it is known as a ?

A. Time-related bomb sequence.
B. Virus.
C. Time bomb.
D. Trojan horse.

The largest Natural fresh Water Lake in the subcontinent is ?

A. Keenjar Lake
B. Manchar Lake
C. Hali Lake
D. None of them


The thing that eventually terminates a worm virus is a lack of.

A. Memory or disk space.
B. Time.
C. CD drives space.

What type of virus uses Computer hosts to reproduce itself?

A. Time bomb
B. Worm
C. Melissa virus
D. Macro virus

In 1999, the Melissa virus was a widely publicised ?

A. E-mail virus.
B. Macro virus.
C. Trojan horse.
D. Time bomb.

An intentionally disruptive program that spreads from program to Program or from disk to disk is known as a ?

A.Trojan horse.
C.Time bomb.
D.Time-related bomb sequence.

A Program that performs a useful task while Simultaneously allowing destructive acts is a ?

A. Worm.
B. Trojan horse.
C. Virus.
D. Macro virus