Who was King Umar ?

A. First King of the Sumarh Dynas
B. Second King of the Sumarh Dynasty
C. Third King of the Sumarh Dynasty
D. Fourth King of the Sumarh Dynasty


The Sindh Provincial Museum is located in ?

A. Jamshoro
B. Karachi
C. Larkana
D. Hyderabad


An area of a Computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be Processed is ?

B. Memory
C. Storage
D. File

The instructions that tell a Computer how to carry out the Processing tasks are referred to as Computer ?

A. programs
B. processors
C. input devices
D. memory modules

Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is also called ?

A. Indus Barrage
B. Kandyaro Barrage
C. Kotri Barrage
D. None of them


Father of “C‘ programming language?

A. Dennis Ritchie
B. Prof John Keenly
C. Thomas Kurtz
D. Bill Gates

Which Motorway connects the cities of Hyderabad and Karachi in the Sindh province of Pakistan ?

A. M-1 Moterway
B. M-4 Moterway
C. M-5 Moterway
D. M-9 Moterway