Tarbela dam is situated in ?

A. Kashmir
D. Gilgit Baltistan

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Kaghan valley is called ?

A. Diamond of the Himalaya
B. Pearl of the Himalaya
C. Heart of the Himalaya
D. None of them

Which mountain range separates Pakistan and Afghanistan ?

A. Karakoram range
B. Pamirs Range
C. The Hindu Kush
D. Kirthar Range

Kalam and Behrin are important tourist points of ?

A. Chitral valley
B. Hunza Valley
C. Kalam Valley
D. Swat Valley

Bala Hisar Fort is located in ?

A. Peshawar
B. Swat
C. Mardan
D. Dir

Chowk Yadgar Peshawar commemorates the heroes of the ?

A. Kashmir War
B. 1965 Indo-Pakistan War
C. 1971 War
D. None of them