Which of the following is first Generation of Computer?

B. IBM-1401
C. CDC-1604
D. ICL-2900

At the time of 1965 War the C-in-C of Pakistan Army was _______ ?

A. General Muhammad Musa Khan
B. General Muhammad Ayoub Khan
C. General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq
D. None of them

ASCII Stands for ?

A. American Stable Code for International Interchange
B. American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
C. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
D. American Standard Code for Interchange Information

Who was the first Muslim C-in-C of Pakistan Navy?

A. Admiral Mohammad Siddieque
B. Admiral Shahid Kareem
C. Admiral Karamat Rahman
D. Admiral Tariq

Who was the first Muslim C-in-C of Air Force?

A. Air Marshal Asgher Khan
B. Air Marshal Zafar Chahdhry
C. Air Marshal Anwar Khan
D. None of them