Children___sixteen years____age are not admitted their parents.

A. Over/ with/ without
B. AV of/ with
C. Of/at/with
D. Under/of/without


She said, “May God bless my son”.

A. She prayed that God might bless her son
B. She pray that God might bless her son.
C. She prayed that God might bless his son.
D. None of these

Choose the correct capitalization. You had better looked for some other options.

A. Harry potter is the best film directed by chris.
B. Harry potter is the best film directed by Chris
C. Harry Potter is the best film’ directed by Chris.
D. None of these

What is meaning of the idiom To turn over a new leaf

A. To cover up one’s fault by wearing new marks
B. To change the o1d habits and adopt new ones
C. To change completely one’s course of action
D. To shift attention to new problems after having studied the old ones thoroughly

He inquired____ my work in office.

A. to
B. into
C. on
D. at

____ baby likes____funny story.

A. a/a
B -/-
C. The/a
D. An/a

Not everyone but ___ brave____ this.

A. -/deserve
B. the/deserves
C. the/deserved
D. None of these

Change voice: Who is knocking at the door?

A. The door is being knocked by whom?
B. By whom is the door knocked by whom?
C. By whom is the door being knocked?
D. The door is being knoked at by whom?

What is the antonyms of abrupt.

A. Gradual
B. Rude
C. Faulty
D. Gruff

I could not help laughing

A. In
B. on
C. at
D. to