MSI Stands for?

A. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits
B. Medium System Integrated Circuits
C. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit
D. Medium System Intelligent Circuit

Frank Meseri was the first C-in-C of ________ ?

A. Pak Army
B. Air Force
C. Navy
D. None of them

Who was the first C-in-C of Pakistan Navy?

A. Gefford James
B. R.L Archy
C. Frank Meseri
D. None of them

KRL Stands for?

A. Khan Research Laboratories
B. Kahuta Research Laboratories
C. Karachi Research Laboratories
D. None of them

CD-ROM stands for?

A. Compactable Read Only Memory
B. Compact Data Read Only Memory
C. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
D. Compact Disk Read Only Memory

The computer that process both analog and digital is called?

A. Analog computer
B. Digital computer
C. Hybrid computer
D. Mainframe computer

GHQ Stands for?


A. General Head Quarters
B. General High Quarters
C. General High Quartermaster
D. None of them


which one is Digital device, select from the choices below?

A. Digital Clock
B. Automobile speed meter
C. Clock with a dial and two hands
D. All of them