A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is?

A. Keyboard
B. Scanner
D. None of these

If a computer has more than one processor then it is known as?

A. Uni-process
B. Multiprocessor
C. Multi-threaded
D. Multi-programming

The basic operations performed by a computer are?

A. Arithmetic operation
B. Logical operation
C. Storage and relative
D. All the above

What is the total area of Khyber Pakhton Khawah Province?

A. 74,521 Sq Km
B. 40,914 Sq Km
C. 347,190 Sq Km
D. 205,344 Sq Km

What is the total area of Sindh Province?

A. 74,521 Sq Km
B. 140,914 Sq Km
C. 347,190 Sq Km
D. 205,344 Sq Km

What is the total area of Baluchistan Province?

A. 74,521 Sq Km
B. 40,914 Sq Km
C. 347,190 Sq Km
D. 205,344 Sq Km