Who was the First woman Governor of State Bank of Pakistan?

A. Noor Jahan
B. Dr Shamshad Akhter
C. Farzana Raja
D. Dr Ashraf Abbasi

When was Liaquat Nehru Pact between India and Pakistan signed?

A. 1950
B. 1955
C. 1964
D. 1951

Which country assisted Pakistan in the construction of Sandak Project?

A. Iran
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Afghanistan
D. China

Length of common border of Pakistan and Afghanistan is?

A. 2252 Km
B. 2282 Km
C. 2350 Km
D. 2430 Km

Which city of Pakistan held the OIC Conference in 1997?

A. Lahore
B. Islamabad
C. Karachi
D. Peshawar

Identify the largest cantonment of Pakistan?

A. Kharian Cantt
B. Quetta Cantt
C. Okara Cantt
D. Karachi Cantt

Where is Warsak Dam of Pakistan situated?

A. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
B. Punjab
C. Sindh
D. Balochistan

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