Tick the odd word:

A. Faisalabad
B. Turkmenistan
C. Bahawalpur
D. Tashkent

Bolan Pass is situated in

A. Baluchistan
B. Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
C. Punjab
D. Azad Kashmir

The second highest mountain peak K-2 is situated in

A. Bhutan
B. China
C. Pakistan
D. Afghanistan

The music of our national anthem was composed by

A. Ahmed A Chagla
B. Rashid Atray
C. Khurshid Anwar
D. Khalil Ahmed

Manghopir in Karachi is famous for its ______

A. Blind Dolphins
B. Sulphur Springs
C. Coal Deposits
D. Gas Fields

The hero of the recent Pakistani film “WAAR” is

A. Shan
B. Jawad Khan
C. Javed Shaikh
D. Ali Zafar

Hazrat Yousaf (AS) was the son of:

A. Hazrat lshaq (AS)
B. Hazratlsmaeel (A.S)
C. Hazrat Yaqoob (AS)
D. None of these

Convert to Indirect form: She said “Stop staring at me.”

A. She told him to stop staring at him
B. She told him to stop staring at me
C. She told him to stop staring to her
D. She told him to stopped staring at her

Who was the founder of Facebook?

A. Steve Jobs
B. Bill Gates
C. Mark Zuckerberg
D. Larry Page

The EGO Secretariat is in:

A. Male
B. Tehran
C. Dhaka
D. Khathmandu