Which of the following planets is called Evening Star?

A. Mars
B. Mercury
C. Venus
D. Jupiter

Complete’ the series: 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12,____

A. 7
B. 10
C. 14
D. 15

Name the pact in which the Muslims and Hindus agreed or separate electorate for Muslims:

A Congress-League Pact
B. Reforms Pact
C. Delhi Pact
D. Lucknow Pact

Convert to Indirect form: She said “God upstairs”.

A. She told me to go upstairs
B. She said me to upstairs
C. She told me that go upstairs
D. She told tne to went upstairs

Synonym of Ascend is:

A. Height
B. Rise
C. Depart
D. Come down

Meaning of Wahi is:

A. lr1spiration
B. Expression
C. Excitation
D. Revelation

Name the lowest point in Asia:

A. Lake Assal
B. Death Valley
C. Dead Sea
D. Caspian Sea

Convert to indirect from:· He asked, “Do I have to do it”?

A. He asked if he had to do that
B. He asked that he had to do it
C. He asked if he has to do it
D. He asked if he had to do it

The headquarter of World Bank is:

A. Geneva
B. London
C. Washington DC
D. New York

Which is the largest Continent population wise?

A. Europe
B. Australia
C. Africa
D. Asia