The OIC came into existence in:

A. 1987
B. 1969
C. 1964
D. 1985

What does ‘www’ stand for?

A. Web World Wide
B. Wiki World Web
C. World Wide Web
D. World Wide Wiki

Sharjah is located in

A. Qatar
C. Kuwait
D. Saudi Arabia

Melting point of Ice on Fahrenheit Scale is taken as:

A. 0°F
B. 32°F
C. 212°F
D. 12°

Synonym of Barren is

A. Earthly
B. High
C. Grassy
D. Infertile

The first airline of Pakistan was:

A. Pak Airway
B. Orient Airways
D. None of these

Convert to passive voice: He opens the door.

A. The door was opened by him
B. The door is being opened by him
C. The door is opened by him
D. The door was being opened by him

Logarithm of any number to itself as base is _____

A. 1
B. 0
C. -1
D. 10

A non terminating, non-recurring decimal represents a ____ number.

A. Natural
B. Rational
C. Irrational
D. Prime

What has happened ____ him?

A. to
B. in
C. upon
D. for