The Information you put into the computer is called______

A. Directory
B. Facts
C. Data
D. Files

When a file is saved for the first time then______

A. A copy is automatically, printed
B. file name and folder name must be the same
C. It does not need a name
D. It must be given a name to identify it

Generally, you access the Recycle Bin through an Icon located______

A. On the desktop
B. Oh the hard drive
C. On the shortcut menu
D. In the Properties dialog box

The taskbar is located

A. On the Start menu
B. at the bottom of the screen
C. on the Quick Launch toolbar
D. at the top of the screen

Which of the following command is given to reboot the computer?

A. Ctrl + Alt + Del
B. Ctrl +Alt+ Tab
C. Ctrl + Shift + Del
D. Ctrl +Alt+ Shift

You get a CMOS checksum error during ‘BOOTUP’. What is most likely the cause?

A. Power supply is bad
B. BIOS needs updating
C. CMOS battery is nearing end of life
D. Hard drive types are incorrectly defirted

What is the full form of LAN?

A. Local Area Network
B. Large Access Network
C. Long Antenna Network
D. None of these

What device prevents power interruptions, resulting in corrupted data?

A. Battery back-up unit
B. Surge protector
C. Multiple SIMMs strips
D. Data guard system

Measuring Unit of Capacity of Hard drive is_____

A. GHz
C. Watts
D. Newton

If, upon booting up a PC, you see a message that says: Keyboard error, It could very likely be _________

A. The keyboard is not attached to the PC
B. The keyboard has failed
C. Either A or B above
D. Neither A nor B above