The Holy Quran is sacred ____ the

A. for
B. with
C. to
D. in

This material is different ____ the one we had last time.

A. by
B. to
C. of
D. from

The given sentence into Active voice. “I was laughed at by them”.

A. They were laughing at me
B. They laughed at me
C. They have laughed at me
D. They have been laµghed at me

The given sentence into Passive Voice. “We obey our parents”.

A. Our parents are being obeyed by us.
B. Our parents are obeyed by us.
C. Our parents have being obeyed by us.
D. Our parents are being obeyed by we.

 A negative sentence. “We have bought this cow”.

A. We have not bought this cow
B. We have not buy this cow
C. We are not bought this cow
D. Has her baby been crying from midnight?

From the given options choose the correct one as your answer for converting the given sentence into interrogative. “Her baby has been crying since midnight”.

A. Have her baby been crying since midnight?
B. Has been her baby crying since midnight?
C. Has her baby been crying since midnight?
D. Has her baby crying since midnight?

Choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word “MANAGE”.

A. Administer
B. Follow
C. Fall
D. Mismanage

Choose the word that is nearly opposite in meaning to the word “ACCUMULATE”.

A. Disperse
B. Supplement
C. Amass
D. Store

Select the correct sentence:

A. He goe to school on foot
B. He is go to school on foot.
C. He goes to school on foot.
D. He go school on foot.

The farmer distributed the apples _____the four boys.

A. in
B. between
C. to
D. among