Process to exit from computer by giving correct instructions such as ‘EXIT’ is classified as

A. Log in
B. Process out
C. Process in
D. Log out

Emirates is an airli’ne of:

A. Egypt
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Qatar

Set of software authorized to specific users is considered as

A. Software library
B. Program library
C. Directory library
D. Library package

The smallest sea of the world is:

A. Dead Sea
B. Red Sea
C. Baltic Sea
D. Arabian Sea

The biggest island in the world is:

A. Iceland
B. Greenland
C. England
D. Sri Lanka

Which of the following countries do not wield veto-power in the UN Security Council?

C. Canada
D. France

 Which of the following refers to too much electricity and may cause a voltage surge?

A. Anomaly
B. Shock
C. Spike
D. Virus

Which of the following countries is not amember of D-8?

A. India
B. Pakistan
C. Nigeria
D. Turkey

The North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) was signed in:

A. 1945
B. 1947
C. 1949
D. 1951

The World’s highest mountain is in:

A. China
B. Pakistan
C. Nepal
D. India