Why did the Muslim League oppose the Cripps’ Plan?

A. Held prospects of single Union of India
B. Idea of Pakistan was rejected in the Plan
C. Muslim League was not consulted
D. Hindus were obliged jn the Plan

Kashf-ul-Mahjub, the first book on Islamic mysticism in Persian was compiled by:

A. Hazrat Ali Hajwari (R.A)
B. Hazrat Fakhar-ud-Din Miran Hussain Zunjani (R.A)
C. Hazrat Khawaja Moin-ud-Din Chisti (R.A)
D. Hazrat Khawaja Nizamud-din Aulia (R.A)

Pakistan Resolution was presented by:

A. Liaqat Ali Khan
B. Muhammad Ali Johar
C. Fazal ul Haq
D. Nawab Mohsin Ali Malik

Uch Shariff located 73 km from Bahawalpur, founded by Alexander the Great contains tombs of:

A. Bibi Jawindi
B. Jalal ud Din Bokhari
C. Baha al-Halim
D. All of these

Which of the following princely states was attacked and occupied by India on Nov 7, 1948?

A. Kalat
B. Lasbela
C. Makran
D. Junagarh

The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was:

A. Muhammad Ali
B. Liaqat Ali Khan
C. Ayub Khan
D. Mr. Ghulam Muhammad

The last Viceroy of India was:

A. Lord Wavell
B. Lord Attlee
C. Lord Mountbatten
D. Lord Clive

Pakistan Ideology which brings harmony among people is based on:

A. Muslims are a separte nation with own religion, culture, civilization, customs and philosophy
B. Muslims live according to Islamic teaching and the Quranic Laws in a free state
C. Minorities are given full protection and are treated as first class citizens within the framework of Muslim Shariah
D. All of the above

The new art which evolved after the arrival of Muslims in South Asia was known as:

A. Islamic Art
B. Gandhara Art
C. lndo-lslamic Art
D. None of these

The Hindus had laucnhed “Swadeshi Movement” (to boycott goods made in England) in the wake of:

A. The Urdu-Hindi controversy 1867
B. Partition of Bengal 1905
C. Jalilanwala Bagh tragedy 1919
D. All of the above