‘Davis Cup’ is associated with Which sport/game?

A. Baseball
B. Badminton
C. Table Tennis
D. Lawn Tennis

What is “Acrophobia”?

A. It is the fear of height
B. It is the fear of dogs
C. It is the fear of water
D. None of

Abul Qasim-AI Zahrawi, was the greatest Muslim:

A. Philosopher
B. Poet
C. Surgeon
D. Warrior

The World’s famous bridge “Golden Gate” is located in:

A. New York
B. Sydney
C. Mexico City
D. San Francisco

‘Asia Wath’ is a:

A. Human rights organization
B. A big time clock in Japan’s parliament building
C. News agency of Taiwan
D. None of these

‘Arboriculture’ is a science of:

A. The raising of silk worms for the production of raw silk
B. The cultivation of flowers, furits and ornamental plants
C. The-cultivation of trees
D. The study of insects

Which part of the World is called “The land of free people”?

A. Switzerland
B. Thailand
C. West Indies

1 inch is equal to:

A. 1.54 centimeters
B. 2.54 centimeters
C. 3.64 centimeters
D. 4.02 centimeters

The distance of a place south or north of Equator is called:

A. Altitude
B. Longitude
C. Latitude
D. Multitude

Which is the smallest state,. in area?

A. Bahrain
B. Maldives
C. Malta
D. Brunai