The substances human body produces to fight against disease germs are called:

A. Vaccines
B. Serums
C. Viruses
D. Antibodies

1 Metric ton is equal to:

A. 100 Kilograms
B. 500 Kilograms
C. 1000 Kilograms
D. 10000 Kilograms

Twentieth Century American women scientist “Grace Hopper”‘ contributed in the field of:

A. Medicine
B. Space
C. Computer
D. Chemistry

Green vegetables are a good source of:

A. Protein
B. Minerals and vitamins
C. Fats and oil
D. Starch

Out of the world’s ten most populated countries, Pakistan is at number:

A. 6
B. 7
C. 9
D. 10

Pakistan is not a member of one of the following International Organizations identity:

A. D-8
B. G-7
C. G-77

Identify the correct statement The August Offer (1940) was aimed at:

A. Inviting a certain number of representative Indians to join Viceroy’s Executive Council
B. Resolving Hindu Muslim differences
C. Offering autonomy to provinces
D. Offering greater share to Indians in services

On which ocassion Quaid-i-Azam said “Hindu India & Muslim India parted and pa1ed forever”:

A. On failure of Ghandi Jinnah talks in 1944
B. On the rejection of his proposed modification in Nehru Report, 1928
C. On the beginning of Urdu Hindu controversy, 1867
D. On the rejection of fourteen points of Quaid by the Congress in 1929

The Congress formed ministries after 1937 provincial elections in:

A. Five provinces
B. Six provinces
C. Seven provinces
D. Eight provinces

Who first supported the Pakistan Resolution 1940:

A. Maulvi Fazal ul Haq
B. Ch. Khaleequzzaman
C. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
D. Amjadi Begum