A “Normative Science” explains:

A. What is?
B. What ought to be?
C. What will be?
D. Investment theory

“Micro” means:

A. a tenth part
B. a thousandth part
C. a hundredth part
D. a millionth part

Economics is also called as

A. an art of possibility
B. a science of choices
C. a game of money
D. a circus of, fortune

Who authored the book titled as “An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations”?

A. FA Walker
B. J.M. Keynes
C. Adam Smith
D. Lionel Robbins

The training can be stated as a:

A. form of applied education
B. refresher course
C. process of reactivating the employees
D. plan to groom the staff

The organizations invest in training of their employees for:

A. improving their skills
B. increasing their profits
C. embarrassing their competitors
D. snatching more market share

The ‘training of trainers’ is often the best starting point for:

A. revamping of the organization
B. a large scale training programme
C. optimizing the profits
D. marginalizing the competitors

To introduce changes in the organizaiton; the staff should be:

A. co-opted
B. motivated
C. trained
D. all of them

“In-service training” and “On-the-Job training” are:

A. the same
B. entirely different
C. mix and investment
D. none of them

Staff training is considered to be a

A. short-term investment
B. futile exercise
C. high-return investment
D. long-term investment