Name the general, who was defeted in the renowned battle of”Waterloo” in 1815?

A. Adolf Hitler
B. Napoleon Bonaparte
C. Rommel
D. Hindenburg

Which country has assisted Pakistan to build the Gawadar Port?

A. Turkey
B. Iran
D. China

Which of the following organizations was established in the year 1919?

A. United Nations
B. League of Nations

The capital of Cyprus is:

A. Alexandria
B. Famagusta
C. Nicosia
D. Limassol

Pakistan became a nuclear power in:

A. 1986
B. 1990
C. 1998
D. 1994

In which mountain range is Siachen glacier located?

A. Himalaya
B. Karakorum
C. Hindu Kush
D. Sulaiman

In which city, the headquarters of EU is located?

A. Paris
B. Brussels
C. Londbh .
D. Rome

On which river the “Baghlihar Dam” is being built?

A. Ravi
B. Sutluj
C. lndus
D. Chenab

‘Azerbaijan’ is located in

A. Middle East
B. Central Asia
C. Latin America
D. Western Europe

‘TAPI’ _____an accord signed by Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India signed in 2010, relates to:

A. Oil
B. Telecom
C. Gas
D. Fertilizer