Fill in the blank: “To have a clear image, stars _________with a telescope.”

A. must be observe
B. had better observe
C. had to observe
D. should be observed

During the recitation of Holy Quran, there are how many occasions, when Sajddah (Prostration) is obligatory for the Muslims.

A. Nine
B. Twelve
C. Fourteen
D. Sixteen

Fill in the blank with the Appropriate Preposition: There were ____ 10,000 persons at the concert

A. at
B. over
C. of
D. on

If 3/4 of the Police employees are not graduates, the ratio of graduates to non_ graduates employees in the Department is:

A. 1 :3
B. 3:7
C. 3:4
D. 4:3

Who among the following was not Head of the State during World War Second?

A. Winston Churchill
B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. Mussolini
D. Stalin

Hu Jintao is the former President of:

A. Japan
B. Hong Kong
C. China
D. Singapore

You can go to your friend’s house as long ________you return by 9.00 p.m.

A. if
B. though
C. as 
D. but

The area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, where the sun is vertically overhead at some point of the year is called.

A. The Torrid zone
B. The Frigid zone
C. Temperate zone
D. None of these

UNO has failed to grant he right to selfdetermination to the people of Kashmir though the same right has been given to the people of

A. Kosovo
B. Bosnia
C. East Timer
D. Northern Ireland

Who is called “The Shere-Bangal” among the following leaders of the freedom movement?

A. A. K. Fazlul Haq
B. Ch. Khaliquzzaman
C. Sikander Hayat Khan
D. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk