The place chosen to sacrifice Hazrat lsmaeel (AS) was:

A. Muzdalfa
B. Mina
C. Meeqat
D. Safa

The European Union has given GSP Plus facility to Pakistan ‘for promoting of exports to Europe. What does GSP stand for?

A. Government Subsidy Programme
B. Generalized System of Preferences 
C. General Sales Preference
D. Growth Support Programme

“A fair weather friend”, means:

A. False Friend
B. Good.Friend
C. Loyal Friend
D. Close Friend

Online real-time systems become popular in:

A. First Generation
B. Second Generation
C. Third Generation
D. Fourth Generation

You use a (n) ___ such as a keyboard or mouse to input information.

A. Output Device
B. Input Device
C. Storage Device
D. Processing Device

____ is the ability of a device to jump directly to the requested data.

A. Sequential Access
B. Quick Access
C. Random Access
D. None of these

__ provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously.

A. Multithreading
B. Multiprocessing
C. Multi Computing
D. Multitasking

In which country is the Cape of Good Hope located?

C. Argentina
D. South Africa

Select the Antonym of the word: Tranquil

A. Serene
B. Turbulent
C. Soft
D. Hard

Who became the Governor General of Pakistan after the death of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah?

A. Liaqat Ali Khan
B. Khawaja Nazim ud Din
C. Ghulam Mohammad
D. Mohamma~ Ali Bogra