In which direction does the Earth rotate around its axis?

(A) North to South
(B) East to West
(C) West to East
(D) Randomly

“Bashar Al Assad” is the President of?

(A) Yemen
(B) Jordan
(C) Syria
(D) Egypt

Fill in the blank. “I am not concerned ____ his affairs.”

(A) to
(B) at
(C) with
(D) on

Who was the founder of Mughal Dynasty______?

(A) Humayun
(B) Babar
(C) Akbar
(D) Jahangir

Who invented the safety pin?

(A) Charles Goodyear
(8) Stewart Harshone
(C) Walter Hunt
(D) A. Rose

The longest river without Delta is_____?

A. Yamuna River
B. Sarasvati River
C. Sabarmati River
D. Narmada River

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Fatwa Qazi Khan is an Authentic Fatwa of______ sect ?

A. Fiqh Hanbali
B. Fiqh Maliki
C. Fiqh Shafi
D. Fiqh Hanafi

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On US and British move against Pakistan’s so-called failure to block financing terrorists, the Financial Action Task Force in its meeting held in February this year has decided:

(A) Not to declare it’s guilty.
(B) To give it exemption
(C) To reconsider the matter later
(D) To declare it guilty

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 by:

(A) Muhammad Bin Saud
(8) Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz
(C) Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz
(D) None of these

A man who blew himself after throwing grenade at U.S. Embassy in the capital of Montenegro on Feb. 23, 2018 was reviling?

(B) Warsaw Pact